Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Unfinished Angel -Sharon Creech

I think I'll have to preface this review by stating that I think I've enjoyed every Sharon Creech book I've ever read. This one is no exception. The book takes place in a village of the Swiss Alps. Zola arrives with her father to start a children's school and finds an angel in the stone tower. Together they find orphaned children and bring them to the school. The language takes some getting used to, but is endearing as the angel has the voice of a young child and often the grammar reflects that. "Now the peoples will do something, because peoples take care of other peoples, especially childrens, right."

The Chapters all have facscinating names. My favorite is Mr. Pomodoro, Zola's father, Creech introduces the concept of why and what people save for emotional support. Zola saves feathers and the angel wonders about that. Mr. Pomodoro saves chocolate and one of the villagers has a seceret stash of blue socks. The book is full of interesting characters and relationships.

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